ICD Briefs 2015
ICD Brief 9 – Torture - in search of a definition..., January 2015
Steven Dewulf is a lawyer and visiting professor criminal law and international criminal law at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He is specialised in international, European and transnational criminal law, human rights, IHL and terrorism.
ICD Brief 10 – Protecting child soldiers from sexual violence by members of the same military force: A re-conceptualisation of international humanitarian law?, April 2015
Rosemary Grey is a PhD Candidate, sessional lecturer and researcher at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Her research explores gender issues in international criminal law, with a particular focus on the prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes in the International Criminal Court (ICC). Rosemary has previously completed an internship in the International Bar Association's ICC Programme in The Hague.
ICD Brief 11 – The War Crime of Terror: An analysis of international jurisprudence, June 2015
Laura Paredi is a PhD Candidate in International Law and teaching assistant in International Law of Armed Conflict and Human Rights Law at the University of Milan. After her studies, she worked as junior researcher at the University of Milan on a project aimed at drafting a proposal for the implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy. Her PhD research explores the issue of implementation of international crimes and its major challenges.
ICD Brief 12 - Protection of Schools During Armed Conflict, October 2015
Alina Balta wrote this ICD Brief during her internship with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut. Alina interned with the Public International Law (PIL) cluster of the Institute for one year and, prior to that, she completed internships with the Coalition for the International Criminal Court and INTERVICT. She holds an LL.M. in International and European Public Law and an M.Sc. in Victimology and Criminal Justice, both obtained at Tilburg University.
ICD Brief 13 - The 'Private Ends' of International Piracy: The Necessity of Legal Clarity in Relation to Violent Political Activists, October 2015
Arron N. Honniball is a PhD Candidate at Utrecht University, specialising in the jurisdiction framework of public international law. As part of the research group on unilateralism and the protection of global interests (UNIJURIS), Arron is examining the use of port state jurisdiction to regulate extraterritorial conduct of global/regional/individual concern. Additionally, he is a member of the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea and the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law.
ICD Brief 14 - Prosecuting Journalists at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon: A Challenge to Freedom of Speech?, December 2015
Anne-Marie Verwiel, partner at law firm Verwiel & Van der Voort, holds a bachelor and master in both political science and law from the University of Amsterdam. She has wide legal experience in the area of international (criminal) law and human rights law, and worked on cases before the SCSL, ICTY and ICTR. María Barral Martínez graduated in public international law at the University of Amsterdam. She holds a master in law from the University of Santiago de Compostela and has completed an internship at Verwiel & Van der Voort. Karlijn van der Voort is also a partner at Verwiel & Van der Voort, with master's degrees from New York University and Leiden University. She has extensive experience in working for the defence of various accused persons before the SCSL, ICTY, ECCC and ICC, in addition to experience in domestic criminal law and human rights law. Karlijn and Anne-Marie have been monitoring the proceedings at the STL since the beginning of the trial.
ICD Brief 15 - The Impact of Cooperation of States on the Right to Liberty of Detained Suspects before the ICC: A Contextual Approach, December 2015
Maria Laura Ferioli is a PhD candidate in international criminal law in a joint doctorate between the University of Bologna and the University of Amsterdam, researching on the rights of defendants before the International Criminal Court. She coordinates the development of the legal database in cooperation with the War Reparation Centre of the University of Amsterdam. She has worked for an Italian criminal law firm for two years and was admitted to the bar in September 2013.
ICD Brief 16 - Can War Crimes be Committed by Military Personnel against Members of Non-opposing Forces?, December 2015
Joanna Nicholson is a guest researcher at PluriCourts - Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. Her PhD thesis was written at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and is entitled 'Fighters as Victims in International Criminal Law'. Prior to working in academia, she spent several years practicing as a lawyer and public prosecutor in Scotland.
ICD Brief 17 - Regulating the Arms Trade - The Potential of International Criminal Law, December 2015
Tomas Hamilton is a PhD candidate at King's College London and his research focuses on accomplice liability under international criminal law, in particular its implications for arms traders. Tomas is a former Visiting Researcher at the Asser Institute and he has previously worked in the serious crime department of a London solicitors, at the International Criminal Court, and for the United Nations at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Tomas also completed an interview for the International Crimes Database on the same topic. His interview can be viewed here.
ICD Brief 18 - Defining the Protected Groups of Genocide Through the Case Law of International Courts, December 2015
Carola Lingaas is a PhD candidate at the University of Oslo (Norway). Her research explores the concept of race in international criminal law, with a particular focus on the crime of genocide. After her Master's studies in law at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) she worked at the Public Prosecutor's Office, the District Court and a law firm. She then joined the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), where she worked as a field delegate (2002 - 2003) in South Sudan during the second civil war. She completed an LL.M. in Public International Law at the University of Oslo in 2005. From 2006 - 2013, Carola worked for the Norwegian Red Cross.