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The Proosecutor v. Jorge Carlos Olivera Róvere

This case summary is being revised and will be updated soon

Court Tribunal Oral Federal Nº 5, Argentina
Case number 1261
Decision title Auto de clausura de la instrucción y elevación a juicio Olivera Róvere (Order for close of investigations and commencement of trial)
Decision date 8 September 2006
  • The Prosecutor
  • Jorge Carlos Olivera Róvere
Categories Crimes against humanity
Keywords dictatorship, forced disappearance, illegal detention, Murder, torture
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Related developments

Olivera Róvere's trial, which started on 10 February 2009, is described as the most important against former members of the Military Juntas, since the historical one against Videla, Massera and others, in 1985.

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Legally relevant facts

General Jorge Carlos Olievera Róvere is accused of having been the highest officer in charge of the secret detention and torture centers which were in place in the area of Buenos Aires during the years of dictature in Argentina.

He is indicted for illegal detention, torture, murder, and forced disappearance as crimes against humanity (crimenes de lesa humanidad).

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Related cases

Other cases related to the Military Juntas in Argentina

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Additional materials